Emerald Coast Health Alliance

Panel Membership


The Emerald Coast Health Alliance originated in September 1994, when William R. Marshall, M.D. brought the idea of creating a physician/surgery center IPA (Independent Practice Association) to meet the challenges of managed care in Northwest Florida.  A pilot program funded by Surgical Care Affiliates/HealthSouth was developed with the help of a medical consultant and a healthcare attorney.  


The IPA quickly became a multi-specialty services IPA with equal representation of medical and surgical physicians as well as other ancillary services and providers.  Robert Hruby, MD succeeded Dr. David Arrowsmith as chairman in April 2014. David Arrowsmith, MD succeeded Dr. Marshall as chairman in March 2000.



To set the standard for the highest quality healthcare delivery in our community.



To provide patients, employers, and payors in the region with a multi-specialty network that stresses

provider accountability, patient access, and quality of care while focusing on opportunities for reduced

cost and improved outcomes.


Organizational Form

A Florida C business corporation formed as a messenger model IPA.

Owners of the Alliance

105 community physicians/shareholders

Organizational Objectives

To remain physician/member driven

To provide quality patient care.

To provide access to care for patients and advocacy for our physician and panel members.

To provide ongoing education for increased quality of life for our patients and our members.

To offer competitive delivery of care.

To offer the broadest possible continuum of care to our patients and employer partners.

To offer our membership a comprehensive range of services for their professional and personal lives.

To move toward an integrated delivery and financing system.

To be accountable to Alliance members and their patients.

To provide the greatest possible customer satisfaction to patients and members.

To offer a physician driven platform for peer review.

To be the place for the doctor’s doctor.

Panel Membership

In addition to physician shareholders, the Alliance offers panel memberships to select healthcare    providers and facilities in the region. These include podiatrists, optometrists, oral surgeons, hospital    based physicians and other health care providers that we determine will provide value to our organization.

A panel member pays an initial membership fee (currently $2000) to access all of the services of the Alliance. A $300 credentialing deposit is due with the application. The deposit is credited toward your membership fee and is refunded if you are not accepted based on the credentialing process.

Dues are set annually by the board and are billed quarterly. Dues are not assessed during your first year. The current dues for a panel member are $700 a year.

Member Services:

Membership will bring you access to group purchasing of supplies and services,  contracting for the provision of medical services, sharing of best administrative and medical practices, creation of a forum of collegial discussion, continuing medical education, centralized credentialing services and a patient satisfaction survey process to name just a few.

Keys to the Alliance success

Delivery of high quality medicine

Recruitment and retention of quality providers

Low administrative overhead

Advocate for the physician/patient relationship

Membership unity, cooperation, participation, communication, dedication, and commitment

Membership support of program goals that strengthen and empower the organization

Professional marketing including: directories, newspaper articles, telephone ad, community healthcare functions, and new product development



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Last updated: 10/14/20.